Feel-good movement for a fabulous mid-life and beyond

pilates | flexibility | stretch

You deserve to feel joy with movement

You’re here because you know that there’s more to life, that THIS can’t be all and that mid-life and beyond doesn’t have to mean feeling tense, stiff and weak. You dream of a life where:

  • You have a group of friends you stretch, grow and get stronger with. 

  • You, your family and your dear friends feel great as you age and grow together. 

  • You always look well, people see you as happy, upbeat, always smiling and ask what your secret is.

Alison Marcuse-Harris pilates teacher, Warwick

You deserve all of this and more through feel-good movement

Pilates pose graphic - build your core strength

Build your core strength

Pilates pose graphic - perfect your posture

Perfect your posture

Pilates pose graphic - focus on flexibility

Focus on your flexibility

Reclaim your sense of self by exploring your inner spark. Try something new and glow from the inside out. With an able body and a balanced mind you can live a full life, doing all the things you love to do. 

I want to hear you say, “I LOVE my body - moving it, living in it and dancing through life!”

It’s time for you to begin your own story of joyful movement. Ready to get started?

Your body has a story, it’s time to show it some love

These offerings are going to support you in becoming balanced and connect you with a whole community of feel-good, kindred spirits. 

Through an online, on-demand programme, weekly group classes in pilates and stretch and monthly workshops, I support women like you to discover a whole new way of moving and being.

Pilates classes for women

In person & on demand


Pilates and self care workshops, Oxhill

A monthly re-TREAT for yourself


New to pilates?


Ahhh, that’s better!

“I am stronger and more supple than ever. But what makes these classes special is Alison herself. Always positive, encouraging with a bit of ‘chat’ that always makes me smile and feel part of the group. It makes my morning.”

Alison Marcuse-Harris, The Feel-Good Movement Coach

The Feel-good Movement Coach...

The Feel-good Movement Coach...

Hello you

I’m Alison Marcuse-Harris and I’m a Pilates, strength and flexibility coach. You might call me The Feel-Good Movement Coach. 

For 30 years I’ve been inspiring people like you to feel good in their bodies. I’ve seen how our modern lifestyles are making us stiff and inflexible - and it doesn’t have to be this way! 

That’s why I’ve become the go-to expert in Pilates, flexibility and stretch (a.k.a. Feel-good Movement). And my feel-good movement community shows up to classes week after week, because they are stronger, in every way, than they've ever been before. And they're doing things they never believed possible.

Want to find out how you can too?

The Feel-good Movement Blog

Be inspired to find joy in your body with tips and stories of feel-good movement in this blog space.